Employee FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions


Disclaimer: These FAQ’s are some of the questions that Human Resources frequently gets asked.  The questions and answers are not intended to be exhaustive.  The answers on this FAQ page do not constitute legal, financial or tax advice. This information is intended to be helpful and provide some initial guidance concerning certain HR issues. While we make every effort to keep these answers current, the law, the 十大正规网赌软件 员工手册、十大正规网赌软件政策、程序和环境可能会迅速改变 which could alter answers given on this page.



Full-time employees are paid on the 15th and the last day of the month.  Part-time employees are paid on the 10th and 25th of the month.  If any of those days fall on 周六,周日或银行假日,将在前一个周五支付 particular pay period.

直接存款表格可在工资单网页或自助服务系统列印 Banner, Employee tab.  You can also pick one up in the Human Resources office. A voided 请从您的银行核对或打印,并附上帐户和路由号码.  Upon sign up, Human Resources will give you an effective date. 十大正规网赌软件 strongly encourges use of direct deposit.

Pay statements can be viewed in Self-Service banner, Employee tab.
Pay statements are available from the beginning of employment.
Contact the Payroll office to reissue a check.  There is a $20 fee to replace a check.
官方的付款声明可在自助服务横幅或T-BirdWeb门户网站 home page.
Form W-2 will be mailed to your home address on or before January 31st. They will also be available electronically in Self-Service Banner, Employee tab.
人力资源办公室需要一份结婚证书或离婚证书的复印件 decree to change your martial status.  For a name change, a Social Security card showing the changed name is required.
要查看W-4表格信息,请转到自助服务横幅,雇员选项卡,W-4豁免 and allowances.
Print the Form W-4 and turn in to the Human Resources office. Changes can be made at any time.
更改您的地址和电话号码可以在自助服务横幅,员工 tab.
Contact the Human Resouces Office.



You can sign up for insurance up to 31 days after date of hire or during NMPSIA's open/switch enrollment period offered each year.  The open/switch enrollment period begins the first of October and runs throughthe middle of November.

保险费率可以通过T-BirdWeb在自助服务横幅,员工标签中找到 Portal.

Login to your NMPSIA Employee profile at http://nmpsiaonline.nmpsia.com/ or contact Sheryl Pounds.
With a few exceptions, insurance will become effective the first day of the month following your hire date. (One month's premiums must be paid before insurance coverage will be effective.)

更改只能在NMPSIA通常开始的开放/交换注册期间进行 the first of October and runs through the middle of November.  Changes due to "a qualifying event" such as; involuntary loss of coverage, change in marital status, birth/adoption 儿童的残疾,NMPSIA团体计划所涵盖的儿童的无行为能力,法定监护 of a child, or promotion to a new job classification. Any such event must be reported 到人力资源办公室,并在31天内完成变更卡 qualifying event. 

配偶和26岁以下的受抚养子女与父母一起居住或居住在十大正规网赌软件 student housing.
配偶需出示结婚证,出生证明 for a dependent.
Yes. You can expect to receive your insurance card within two weeks of signing up for coverage. A temporary card is available for print via the carrier's website.
Contact your carrier. Contact information is available at NMPSIA.com.
然而,开放登记的变化将于1月1日生效,新保险的扣除 begins with the December 15th paycheck.
Contact the Human Resources office at your earliest convenience. Changes in your marital status are critical for inurance purposes.
Contact the Human Resources office at 575.492-2793.
Contact the Human Resources office to complete a Beneficiary Assignment form.
Contact the Human Resources office at 575.492.2793.
Visit the NMPSIA website for a list of carriers. (http://nmpsia.com/insurance.html)
Contact the Human Resources office at 575.492.2793.



Retirement eligibility is determined by your start date.

TIER 1: Membership Prior to July 1, 2010

如果您的ERB会员资格是在2010年7月1日之前开始的,并且您还没有全部退出 你的供款,你有资格在你遇到的最早的日期退休 the following criteria:

1. “25 and Out”-获得的服务积分+允许的服务积分= 25年或更长时间. There is no minimum age requirement.

2. “Rule of 75” – Your age + earned service credits = 75 or more. Under the Rule of 允许的服务积分是用来计算你的退休福利的,但不是 count toward eligibility. If you retire under this rule, are under age 60, and have less than 25 years of earned service credit, your retirement

Benefit will be reduced by:

0.在60岁之前退休,每1 / 4年或其中1 / 4年的比例为6% after the 55th birthday (equal to 2.4% per year), plus

1.在55岁之前退休,每1 / 4年或其中的1 / 4年或其中的一部分占8% to 7.2% for each year under age 55). For example, if you are six months past your 59th birthday, the reduction in benefits is 1.2%.

3. “65和5”-如果你至少65岁,有5年或以上的收入 service credit, you are eligible for retirement.

4. COLA begins at age 65.

TIER 2: Membership on or after July 1, 2010, but prior to July 1, 2013

如果您在2010年7月1日或之后首次受雇于雇员再培训局雇主,但在此之前 2013年7月1日,或者如果你在2010年7月1日前受雇,终止了你的雇佣关系 并且随后提取了所有的供款,您必须满足以下条件之一 requirements to be eligible for retirement:

1. “30 and Out” – Earned service credits = 30 or more years. There is no minimum age required. Under Tier 2 “30 and Out,” allowed service credit is not used to determine eligibility for retirement but is used to calculate retirement benefits.

2. “Rule of 80” – Your age + earned service credits = 80 or more. As in the Rule of 允许的服务积分是用来计算你的退休福利的,但不是 count toward eligibility. If retire under this rule, are under age 65, and have less 超过30年的服务积分,你的退休福利将减少:

• 0.6% for each ¼ year, or portion thereof, that retirement occurs prior to age 65 but after the 60th birthday (equal to 2.4% per year), plus

• 1.8% for each ¼ year, or portion thereof, that the retirement occurs prior to age 60 (equal to 7.2% per year).

3. “67和5”-如果你年满67岁,有5年或以上的收入 service credit, you are eligible for retirement.

4. COLA begins at age 65.

TIER 3: Membership Beginning on or after July 1, 2013

如果您的ERB会员资格是在2013年7月1日或之后开始的,或者您在此之前有过工作 2013年7月1日,终止了你的雇佣关系并撤回了你的所有供款 并且在2013年7月1日或之后重新为雇员再培训局雇主工作,你必须满足一个条件 of the following requirements to be eligible for retirement:

1. “30 and Out” – Earned service credits = 30 or more years. Soft minimum retirement 55岁:未满55岁退休且有30年工作年限的人 雇员退休时的精算等值福利会减少吗 age 55. Under Tier 3 “30 and Out,” allowed service credit is not used to determine eligibility for retirement but is used to calculate retirement benefits.

2. “Rule of 80” – Your age + earned service credits = 80 or more. As in the Rule of 允许的服务积分是用来计算你的退休福利的,但不是 count toward eligibility. If you retire under this rule, are under age 65, and have 少于30年的服务积分,你的退休福利将会减少 by:

• 0.在成员退休前退休的每1 / 4年或其中的一部分,可获得6% 65th birthday but after the 60th birthday (equal to 2.4% per year), plus

• 1.在成员退休之前,每退休1 / 4年或其中的1 / 4年或其中的一部分收取8% 60th birthday (equal to 7.2% per year).

3. “67和5”-如果你年满67岁,有5年或以上的收入 service credit, you are eligible for retirement.

4. COLA begins at age 67.

当您符合资格要求并准备退休时,请填写 Retirement Application found at www.nmerb.org. We recommend that you begin this process 在计划退休日期前60-90天,以避免任何干扰 in your income. If you plan to retire in July, ERB suggests you start the process six months prior to your retirement date. If you are still employed by an ERB employer, 你的雇主必须向雇员再培训局递交你的退休申请及证明文件 of Termination. If you have not worked for an ERB employer within the last six months, 你只须填妥退休申请的会员资料页.

For more information, visit www.nmerb.org.

十大正规网赌软件 offers life insurance through The Standard. Here is the link for more information, The Standard Life and Disablity.
You will need to complete a Request for Refund and/or Rollover form.  Here is the link for your convenience: Refund and/or Rollover form. 雇主证书将需要由谢丽尔·庞德在人力资源部门完成 Resources office.




Leave accrual begins with the first payroll.

Sick Leave

  • Employees on a 12-month contract will accrue 6.67 hours every pay period.
  • Employees on a 9 or 10 month contract will accrue 4 hours every pay period.


Vacation Leave

  • First year - Employee accrues 1.67 hours per pay period.
  • Second year - Employee accrues 3.33 hours per pay period.
  • Third year - Employee accrues 5 hours per pay period.

Note: Employees on a 9 or 10 month contract do not earn vacation leave.

Personal Leave

  • Employees on a 12-month contract earn 2 days each fiscal year.  Must be used by June 30th of each year.
  • Employees on a 9 or 10 month contract earn 4 days each fiscal year.  Must be used by the end of their contract. They are allowed to take up to one unused personal leave day per each summer session taught.
Leave is updated every payroll.
  • 第一年-员工在日历年结束时只能携带超过20个小时.
  • 第二年-员工在日历年结束时只能携带超过40个小时.
  • 第三年-员工在日历年结束时只能携带超过60个小时. 
家庭医疗休假法(FMLA)赋予符合条件的雇员长达12周的无薪假期 FMLA leave each year for certain qualifying events. For more infomation, visit the Department of Labor website at www.dol.gov.

Yes.  FMLA requires covered employers to provide 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave to eligible employees; however, 十大正规网赌软件 requires that the FMLA leave run concurrently 有累计带薪病假,事假和假期休假的任何资格 event.

十大正规网赌软件最靠谱的网赌软件FMLA的政策可以通过自助服务在员工手册中找到 Banner. Here is the link for your convenience: Employee Handbook.


Disability Service for Staff and Faculty




Health & Safety


Yes. 请向公共安全/安保主任丹尼斯·凯利报告不安全情况, at 575.408.2466.

Contact your supervisor and 十大正规网赌软件 Security. If it's an emergency, call 911 immediately.





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